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English 1.01: Customer Service English

¡Hola y Bienvenido! Este curso se ha creado para los hispanohablantes que trabajan en el servicio de atención al cliente y que deben comunicarse en inglés para atender las necesidades de sus clientes. Los alumnos de este curso aprenderán algunas estrategias nuevas para escuchar y hablar, la construcción de frases y mucho vocabulario que podrán [...]
28 students enrolled

¡Hola y Bienvenido!

Este curso se ha creado para los hispanohablantes que trabajan en el servicio de atención al cliente y que deben comunicarse en inglés para atender las necesidades de sus clientes. Los alumnos de este curso aprenderán algunas estrategias nuevas para escuchar y hablar, la construcción de frases y mucho vocabulario que podrán utilizar en las conversaciones cotidianas con los clientes.

Muchos de los primeros alumnos del programa han trabajado en el comercio, el turismo y la hostelería. Si quieres hablar inglés con rapidez y facilidad, ¡este curso es para ti!

Hello and Welcome!

This course was created for Spanish speakers working in customer service who must communicate in English to serve the needs of their clients. Students of this course will learn some new strategies for listening and speaking, sentence building, and a lot of go-to vocabulary they can use in everyday conversations with customers and clients.

Many of the early students of the program have worked in the trades, tourism, and hospitality. If you would like to speak English quickly and easily, this course is for you!


What you will need for this course:

  • Google Chrome Browser with microphone enabled for this website!
  • Preferably a tablet or computer, but it will function on any phone that runs Chromse as a browser.
  • Access to a Spanish-English Dictionary
  • English keyboard

What to expect:

  • 1 hour classes 3 x per week, live
  • 30-45 minutes of daily practice time is necessary for success!
  • A good attitude for trying new things, INCLUDING SPEAKING! Trying is key to success!

Just Saying Hello and Talking about the Weather

Just Saying Hello!
45 minutes--1 hour

En esta lección se aprenderá:

  • Varios Saludos Básicos y
  • Respuestas Típicasy un poco de la aplicación de cada uno.

En esta lección se practicará:

  • la pronunciación
  • la comprehensión aural

Expressing Moods and Talking about the Weather
45 minutes--1 hour

In this lesson you will learn:

  • Typical Responses to Greetings--Respuestas Típicas para los Saludos Básicos
  • Palabras para Despedirse--Words for Saying Goodbye

You will practice:

  • Listening Comprehension
  • Speaking and Pronunciation
Saying Goodbye & Days of the Week
45 minutes

En esta lección usted aprenderá:

  • frases para despedirse
  • los días de la semana
  • unas palabras del tiempo
  • armar pequeñas oraciones para despedirse
Los Saludos: Conversation and Listening Practice
30 minutes
Greetings, Saying Hello, and Goodbye
19 questions

Students will be tested on:

  • días de la semana
  • varias oraciones útiles
  • expresiones del clima
  • saludos
  • despedidas
  • expresiones del tiempo

Write a Conversation and Record!

The Most Frequently Used Verbs and Question Words

Important Question Words and Expressions I
45 Minutes

Students will learn and practice:

  • Interrogatives
  • Personal Pronouns

Subject Pronouns & The Verb To Be
60 minutes

In this lesson:

  1. all present tense forms of "to be"
  2. Uses of "to be"
  3. Formation of gerunds and the present progressive tense
  4. Create interrogative statements with "to be" and present progressive tense.
  5. Identify differences between application of the present progressive in Spanish and its application in English

They will practice:

  • conjugation
  • listening in conversation
  • applying new vocabulary
Challenge: 21 Most Frequent Verbs!
45 minutes
Quiz: The Verb "To Be" and the Present Progressive
19 questions

Students will be assessed on:

  • Forms of to be
  • Contractions of Subject Pronouns and to be
  • 21 most frequently used verbs
  • Applications of the present progressive in English
  • Formation of the Gerund/Present Participle
The Order of English Sentences
45 minutes

Usted aprenderá formar afirmaciones con el presente del progresivo y armar preguntas.


  • Colocando las oraciones en el orden correcto.
  • Identificando contracciones.
  • Repasando las palabras interrogativas.
  • Formando interrogativos.

Modal and Helping Verbs and Many Other Common Beginner Words

Contracting Negative Statements with Questions
45 minutes--1 hour

Esta lección se centra en el orden de las frases declarativas e interrogativas en inglés. Abarca mucha información sobre cómo hacer preguntas, negar y contraer sujetos, verbos y palabras negativas.


This lesson focuses on sentence order of declarative and interrogative statements in English. It covers a lot of information about making questions, negating, and contracting subjects, verbs, and negative words.

Expressing Abilities, Obligations, and Desires with Modal Verbs
45 minutes

En esta lección:

You will learn the modal verbs which correspond to the Spanish verb tenses and constructions: past, present, future, and conditional

You will learn how to make sentences with the modal verbs which express verb tense.

You will practice using base forms of the verbs.

Transactions in the Office and Banking Vocabulary
45 minutes

Lesson Objectives and Activities

Today you will learn how to talk about making payments and continue practicing modal verbs within the context of these conversations.

  1. First, you will learn vocabulary for making payments
  2. You will take notes and pair vocabulary with various verbs to form meanings.
  3. You will listen to a conversation about making payments and fill in the blanks.
  4. You will create sentences using modal verbs, the main verbs from your notes (de los apuntes).
  5. You will practice forming, creating and speaking sentences with the new vocabulary.

What is a modal verb?
45 minutes
Asking and answering questions with modals
Write about your daily activities

Specialized Vocabulary and Conversation Practice

Electrician's Assistant Vocabulary
House and Home Vocabulary
Conversation Practice
Individual Project: Choose your vocabulary set

Course Conclusion and Additional Information

Demonstrative Adjectives: This, that, these, those

In the Restaurant

Ordering food in a restaurant

Students will learn Basic words and phrases for placing an order in a restaurant

Students will practice:

  • Speaking
  • Building Sentences
  • Listening and Writing
  • Putting conversations together

Taking orders in a restaurant

Making Reservations

It's Time for Vacation!

Individual Identity and How to Deal with It!

Intermediate English, Monster Astrology
1.5 hours

This lesson is a 2 day lesson! Get ready! ¡Pónte listo!

This is an upper beginner or low intermediate lesson geared to help you work on fluency! Among the key concepts is the use of the connector (relative pronoun) lo que--what, as well as the term los demás (others) and las demás personas (other people). These terms are a little better in usage that what a non-native speaker might use.

This lesson is very conversational, and includes a great number of transitional words and new vocabulary for the low intermediate student interested in improving comprehension through active listening.

La Psícología de los Monstruos: Cada uno tiene sus problemas

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