This course is perfect for the pre-beginner Spanish student, or for the expat living abroad who needs to take the first steps to begin speaking.
The Pre-Beginner Spanish Course
- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews
We will cover basic concepts such as gender and number with nouns, articles, and adjectives, as well as concentrate on learning the 300 most important words in the language! Rather than delve deeply into the grammar of Spanish, you will learn the most important words, and work to put them together into easy, yet important sentences!
In this course you will:
- Learn pronunciation basics
- Learn to LISTEN in Spanish
- Learn the most important question words and phrases
- Learn to introduce yourself
- Greet others cordially
- Say goodbye
- Talk about the weather
- Learn to order in a Restaurant
- Numbers from 1-1000 +
- Relative time words for actual commucation
- The top 21 most important words in the language
The Coursework Includes:
- 50 interactive activities
- 12 instructional slideshows
- 4 quizzes
- 12 self-graded pronunciation practices
- Many downloadable ppt. presentations and reference materials
What You Will Need
- In order to make the course easier, you will need to make a few setup arrangements before you begin. Since typing in Spanish requires the use of accent marks, additional punctuation, and a few different letters, it is a good idea to set up the Spanish International Sort or Spain keyboard on your computer right away.
- Enable Google Chrome browser. In order to earn points and practice Spanish pronunciation, you will also need to enable Chrome. The pronunciation exercises are graded at about 80% accuracy for overall words, but Chrome is necessary for proper functionality of this important feature of the program.
- Allow this site access to your microphone and system speakers or headphones.
1Spanish Vowels Five Letters=Five Vowel Sounds!25 minutes
2Consonant Pronunciation45
This lesson discusses the sound variation of the consonants in Spanish. Rather than teaching the typical alphabet, the content focuses on the letters and their sounds, as well as provides reading tips for beginners in Spanish. From the basic sounds to providing pro-tips, students will understand when certain letters have sound variations. This lessons is a must-complete for beginners!
3Pronunciation of ConsonantsVideo lesson
4Pronunciation: Vowel sounds and Dipthongs10 mins
You want to speak Spanish, right? The most important concept to master involves proper vowel pronunciation, and understanding the sound each individual vowels makes. The good news about vowels in Spanish is that they always make the same sound! Let's get started so you can pronounce any word easily!
5Test: Pronunciation, Numbers 1-20Assignment
6Spanish PronunciationQuiz
7What's a Dipthong?: Dipthongs45 minutes
Students will learn:
- Numbers 1-20 in Spanish
- How to identify and pronounce dipthongs
They will practice:
- pronunciation
- listening comprehension
- identifying numbers
8¡Vamos a Practicar los Números!45 minutes
9Los Números 1-20, Dipthongs, and Most Frequently Used Phrases11 questions
Students will be assessed on numbers 1-20, as well as dipthongs.
20 minutes are provided for this quiz.
10Challenge: 21 Most Frequent Verbs!45 minutes
11Frequently Used Spanish Words and PhrasesPreview 45 Minutes
In this lesson:
- 21 most frequent words for expressing the basics
- Sentence building practice
- Listening and Pronunciation practice
12Los Números: Aplicación de los NúmerosAssignment