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El Yoga: Términos para tomar la clase de yoga en español.

El Cuerpo–The Body

el cuerpo: body
la cabeza: head
la frente: forehead
la boca:the mouth
el aliento: the breath (noun)
los ojos: eyes
la nariz: nose
el mentón: chin
el cuello: neck

los hombros: shoulders
los brazos: arms
las manos/palmas/los dedos: hands/palms/fingers
los codos: elbows
el pecho/corazón: chest/heart
el abdomen: core, abdomen
la columna: spine
la espalda: back

la cadera: hips, pelvis
las nalgas: sit bones, bottom
las piernas: legs
las rodillas: knees
el pie, los pies: foot/feet
el talón: heel
el peso: weight
el equilibrio: balance


Most instructors in the Americas will use the plural command form for ustedes when giving a group yoga class. This form is not difficult, but generally requires a little knowledge of verb conjugation to understand completely.

The command form requires the opposite present tense ending, so, if you have a verb such as inhalara regular -ar verb, the opposite third person ending will be the -en ending. Here I have used the ustedes form, as an instructor would when addressing a yoga class with more than one person. Command forms differ for the person/s receiving the instruction. Therefore, if you are giving a singular, private course to someone, just take off the -n, and your command will be in the singular form.

Inhalar–>Inhalen profundamente. 

Any irregularity in the present tense yo form of a verb will take place in the command form as well. For example: tener→tengo→I have→tenga/n. The opposite -ar endings are applied to this -er verb in order to show that instruction is being given.


Yoga Verbs