Course sections

Individual Identity and How to Deal with It!

Intermediate English, Monster Astrology


This is an upper beginner or low intermediate lesson geared to help you work on fluency! Among the key concepts is the use of the connector (relative pronoun) what, as well as the term (others) and las demás personas. These terms are a little better in usage that what a non-native speaker might use. For example, los demás personas is best used in  place of “otras personas.” You might also just use los demás.

This is an upper beginner or low intermediate lesson geared to help you work on fluency! Among the key concepts is the use of the connector (relative pronoun) what–lo que, as well as the term other people–las demás personas. These terms are a little better in usage that what a non-native speaker might use. For example, other people is best used in  place of “las demás personas” You might also just use others.

Please concentrate on connectors for fluency, and other little words that mess you up, like se. The key to comprehension in this lesson is understanding what these terms mean and how they change the meaning of the story. I should also note that the use of seres humanos and discussing their personality traits and physical characteristics is very much in line with the general uses of the verb ser to describe inherent characteristics.

Actividad de la Lección

Please listen to the audio as you flip through the lesson. Stop the lesson when prompted .

Flipbook Hints: You can use the navigation and control bars to change your view to a single page, or amplify the view using the + button. You can also stop the audio at any time to read and review terms.

Most personality traits and physical characteristics are described with the verb to be: am, are, is. . .are  The following questions are asked with ser and most answers will be given using some form of the verb ser.

  • What is he/she/it/usted like (as a person or thing)?–¿Cómo es?
  • He is friendly but at times naughty–Es amigable, pero a veces travieso.
  • Who is he/she/it/usted like (as a person or thing)?–¿Quién es?
  • She is Blanca. She is thin and pretty. She has long legs.–Ella es Blanca. Es delgada y guapa. Tiene las piernas largas.


Need a full chart for reference? See the bottom of this lesson!

Práctica Uno

Práctica Dos

Práctica Tres

Práctica Cuatro

to be--ser, estar

1st personsI amweare
2nd personsyouareall of you are
3rd personshe
is theyare