Spanish 1.02
- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews
Spanish 1.o2 focuses on the basics of sentence creation in Spanish and building language. Central to this 9 week course is verb conjugation, identification of the subject and the verb, and being able to manipulate regular and irregular verbs. The course focuses on practical applications such as making introductions, describing daily tasks and activities, recognizing first, second, and third persons of the verb, and differentiating and properly using high frequency irregular verbs such as ser, estar, tener, ir and haber (hay).
Vocabulary Topics:
- Regular -ar,-er,-ir verbs and their meanings
- Personality and Physical Traits descriptors (adjectives)
- Body parts
- Transportation
- Places around Town
- Telling Time
- Relative Time
Grammatical Points:
- Regular verb conjugation
- Identifying the subject of the verb
- Irregular verbs: Ser, Estar, Tener, Ir, and Haber (hay)
- Using the definite article with body parts
- Comparisons of Equality and Inequality
- Using para + infinitive to express purpose
- Changing verbs from singular to plural forms
- Recognizing 1st, 2nd, and 3rd person singular and plural
- Flip verbs like gustar
- indirect objects
- reflexive verbs
- auxiliary verbs
Situational Focus:
- Making introductions
- Describing self and others
- Talking about daily schedules and activities
- Expressing destinations and purpose
- Telling time and making appointments
- Creating social media profiles
- Meeting and greeting people and asking questions
- Interviewing friends
- Talking about family and friends
- Discussing relationships
- Talking about likes and dislikes
- Discussing personal titles and work
1What is verb conjugation?45 minutes
Students will learn the basics of present tense verb conjugation. The goal of this lesson is to introduce students to these major concepts. These ideas will be continually reinforced throughout he semester.
- subject pronouns
- regular -ar, -er, and -ir verb endings
- the terms person and number
- 1st, 2nd, and third persons singular and plural
2Regular -AR Verbs and Practice45 minutes
Students will learn to conjugate -ar verbs.
They will be able to:
- Identify the subject for each verb conjugation
- Conjugate regular verbs in the present tense
- Identify an infinitive
3Conjugation: Subject Pronouns and -Ar Verbs17 questions
Students will be assessed on
- What conjugation is
- Present tense -ar/-er/-ir endings
- -ar verb vocabulary and meanings
- How to form -ar verb conjugations (application)
4Regular -Er and -Ir Verb Lesson and Practice I45 minutes
In this lesson students will concentrate on learning the meanings of regular -ar, -er, and -ir verbs. They will be conjugated according to the subject.
Vocabulary: abrir--to open, aprender--to learn, asistir a--to attend (to be present at), beber--to drink, comer--to eat, comprender--to understand, creer--to believe, escribir--to write, leer--to read, recibir--to receive, vender--to sell
-er verb endings: -o, -es, -e, -emos, -éis, -en
-ir verb endings: -o, -es, -e, -imos, -ís, -en
5Quiz: Verb Conjugation 211 questions
This quiz assesses basic understanding about verb conjugation. Students should study:
- -ar, -er, -ir verb endings and their corresponding subject pronouns
- 33 verbs and their meanings
- how to conjugate for each subject within the context of a sentence
6Assignment Upload 1.1-1.12 Assignment uploadAssignment
7En la Playa y Alrededor de la Bahía50 minutes
This lesson emphasizes using verbs in natural speech. The lesson contains a review summary about regular verb conjugation.
Students will learn:
- Full conjugation of the verb hacer
- New words and phrases for making more dynamic and fluid sentences
Students will practice
- Listening to verbs and vocabulary in context
- Speaking and using new phrases in sentences
- Writing and listening comprehension
- Using context clues to put paragraphs together
8Words of Frequency45 minutes
9Interactive Lesson: Un Día PreciosoText lesson
10¿Qué hacen todos hoy?16 questions
Students will be assessed on Beach Activity Vocabulary and the verb hacer.
11Your Daily Life RecordingAssignment
12Assignment Upload 2.01-2.11Assignment
13¿Cómo es la persona?45 minutes
Students will learn a several expressions related to ser and they will learn to ask people what they are like and what they look like.
They will learn the complete present tense (indicative) conjugations of ser.
Students will review the applications of ser and estar.
Students will be able to express their age with tener.
14¿Quién es? ¿Cómo es?45 minutes
Students will review conjugations of the verb ser, learn the 6 conjugations of tener, and begin to understand the difference in application.
Students will learn and practice physical characteristics descriptors within context as they describe monsters.
15Ser and Estar: Let’s Fix it Once and For All!30 minutes
Students will learn:
- Typical questions used with the verbs ser and estar.
- How to ask and answer questions with estar and ser.
16Lesson Review: ¿Cómo es?45 minutes
Students will review the conjugation and application of the verb ser.
They will describe physical characteristics.
Students will decide whether to use the verb ser or tener in context.
Students will review the applications of ser, estar, hacer, and tener.
17Ser, Tener, and Physical Descriptions16 questions
18Assignment Upload: Please upload assignments and Lesson Review Final PageAssignment
19Introduction: El Cuerpo and Tener45 Minutes
Students will learn parts of the body, and how to describe the body with tener.
- This lesson includes:
- Quizlet practices and Speak the Word activities.
20Practice 4.03-4.06: Using Tener to Describe the BodyPreview 45 minutes
Students will practice using tener to describe the body.
- They will continue practicing extensive body vocabulary.
- They will create sentences and review grammatical concepts of creating sentences with correctly conjugated forms of ser and tener, as well as adjective-noun placement and concordance.
- Students will practice using the correct definite article with body parts.
- Students will take a pre-quiz so they are able to assess their readiness for the section quiz.
21Expressions with Ser and Tener, Lukas and Laura Practice 4.07-4.11Text lesson
22Make an introduction videoAssignment
23Using Tener and Describing the body6 questions
24Idiomatic Expressions and Uses of TenerPreview 25 minutes
This lesson presents 10 different uses of tener beyond simple possession. Idiomatic expressions which do not have perfect translations are the focus of this blog-style lesson. At the end of the lesson you will be encouraged to practice pronunciation and review meaning of each idiomatic expression.
Students will learn to express:
- obligations
- sensations: hunger, thirst, heat, and cold
- shame/embarrassment
- fear
- desires/goals
- successes
- age
25Making Comparisons of Inequality with Más & Menos45 minutes
Students will learn the structures for making comparatives and superlatives in Spanish.
26Making comparisons of Equality with Ser45 minutes
Students will learn to make comparisons of equality with tan, tanto/tanta/tantos/tantas and como.
27En el Mundo de los Monstruos45 minutes
28Create a Character in SpanishAssignment
29¿A Dónde Vamos?45 minutes
Students will learn:
- All conjugations of the verb ir
- Contractions al and del
- Places around town
30Introduction to the Irregular Verb ir45 minutes
31Creating Sentences and Meanings with IrText lesson
32Writing and Recording: What are you and others going to do?Assignment
33Por El Pueblo45 minutes
Students will learn to talk about which activities can be done in each place around town.
They will learn:
- para + infinitive structures
- se puede + infinitive structures
They will review:
- conjugations of ir
- important verbs and verbal phrases in everyday life
34¿A Dónde Van Todos?45 minutes
35¿Cómo Se Llega? ¿Cómo Vamos?45 minutes
36The Big Review: Prepare for Your Quiz45 minutes
37Places Around Town, Contractions, Conjugations of Ir, Making Comparisons30 questions
This quiz is comprehensive and tests the following:
- conjugations of ir
- typical usage of ir and ir a +infinitive constructions
- meanings of 5 irregular verbs
- contractions al and del
- places around town
- the meaning and usage of the pronoun se
- the impersonal construction se puede
38Vocabulary Telling Time45 minutes
Students will learn basic vocabulary for telling time and be able to ask relevant time-related questions. Students will be able to decide when to use es/son in time-expressions.
39Practice 1: Telling Time45 minutes
Students will learn
- to speak in relative time
- to create basic sentences with voy a, va a, llegar, and estar
40Speaking in Relative Time45 minutes
41Writing about your daily scheduleAssignment
42Telling Time21 questions
47Los Cuartos de la Casa45 Minutes
48Los Corredores y el Jardín45 minutes
49Verbs: Stem Changers and -Go Verbs45 minutes
50-Go Verbs45 minutes
51How to Improve Conversation with Less ConjugationPreview 45 minutes
The purpose of this lesson is to introduce students to all the ways the infinitive can be used to create more in-depth sentences! Of course they have learned to conjugate, however, it is important to know that conjugating every verb in Spanish is not necessary.
These are the objectives:
- Infinitives as part of Modal/Auxiliary Verb Structures
- Infinitives in General Statements to Express Opinions
- Infinitives as Objects of Prepositions
- Infinitives for Giving General Instruction
52Práctica: Los Quehaceres de la Casa45 Minutes
In this section, you will learn and review vocabulary for the house and home. You will not only learn activities for living, but also how to give instructions regarding cleaning, doing laundry, making beds, and organizing.
53Las Preposiciones45 minutes
Students will learn prepositions of orientation.
They will learn how to say them, how to listen specifically for them, and about the differences in usage between English and Spanish prepositions.